Organizational development

1608, 2024

Build a Learning Culture for Future Growth

Mike Pelfini | 16 August 2024 | culture, Leadership, Leadership skills, Organizational development,

A learning culture prioritizes growth and development as core values.  To foster learning, organizations should take practical steps to make...

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1007, 2024

Develop a Comprehensive AI Strategy to Maximize Success 

admin | 10 July 2024 | AI, Leadership, Organizational development,

Creating a broad vision, emphasizing people, and fostering innovation are three of the keys to a comprehensive AI strategy for...

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2904, 2024

Avoiding FOMO in the Age of AI

admin | 29 April 2024 | AI, culture, Leadership, Leadership skills, Organizational development,

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (“AI”) has generated a fear of missing out (“FOMO”) in the business world. Organizations...

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0204, 2024

Priority Setting to Meet Strategic Goals

Mike Pelfini | 02 April 2024 | Leadership, Leadership skills, Organizational development,

Priority setting with objectives, resources, and time - the 3 interdependent variables - leads to critical, important, and desirable priorities....

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0403, 2024

Cultural Change for Organizations in an Age of Transformation

admin | 04 March 2024 | Coaching, culture, Leadership, Organizational development,

Organizational culture is the collection of behaviors that define “how we do things around here.” Cultural change means changing specific...

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