Vistage recognized Mike Pelfini for launching & leading 2nd executive peer group in San Rafael, CA, after creating his ForeMeta Coaching for executives in 2015.

Mike Pelfini Is Recognized by Vistage Worldwide, Inc for Launching and Leading a New Peer Group in the San Francisco Bay Area

Mike Pelfini — 01 November 2022

After creating his ForeMeta Coaching for executives in 2015, Mike Pelfini has launched & led two Vistage peer groups in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA.

The following is a publication by Vistage Worldwide, Inc., in recognition of Mike Pelfini for launching and chairing a new peer group in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA in 2022:

“We are pleased to announce that Chair Mike Pelfini has launched Key Group #9610 in San Rafael, CA!

A few words from Chair Mike Pelfini

“This Key group almost built itself. I shared the Leadership Evaluation Guide with the Chief Executive members in my practice and most found it to be super useful in assessing the development needs of their teams. I’m launching this group at the request of a majority of these CE members, and their enthusiasm and eagerness to have their key leaders engage in the Vistage peer experience was momentum-generating for me. Thanks to Matt Malconian, Tim Call and some of my VCG colleagues for the additional encouragement and support. Onward and upward!”

Special message from Best Practice Chair Carl Arnold

“I would like to commend Mike Pelfini on launching this new Key Executive Group. He has been a Chair for over 5 years and it is exciting that he has started a new Key group. I know that these members will be very lucky to have Mike offering his vast experience and expertise. Congratulations Mike!”

Special message from Senior Vice President, West Region, Tim Call

“Congratulations Mike on the launch of the newest Key Executive Group, in what can be described as a one-month build. The precision you took to launch this group was incredible. Starting with your decision to have a conversation with each of the Chief Executive members and giving them the space to realize the importance of leadership development in their companies. Then, sharing with these CE members the “Leadership Evaluation Guide” introducing it as a tool to guide them in creating an overarching plan to develop their team members and improve employee retention.”

Mike’s Professional Background

Mike joined the Vistage community back in 2003 when he led Easter Seals in the San Francisco Bay Area as President and CEO. After creating his consulting practice in 2015, ForeMeta Coaching, he doubled down with Vistage by taking on a Chief Executive group in the fall of 2017. Mike attributes his mentorship approach to helping leaders get in touch with their true selves, identifying what is blocking their path to be better versions of themselves, and navigating across the next threshold towards that better version.

Join me in congratulating Mike for the launch of the latest Key group!”

Copyright ©️ 2024 by Mike Pelfini. All rights reserved.

ForeMeta offers breakthrough leadership coaching to develop CEO self-leadership and leading teams and organizations.  We offer both individualized coaching or group coaching to help leaders and their people achieve greater success. If you would like to learn more about priority setting specific to your needs, please contact us

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